Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fifty days and counting...

Well, as the Simon & Garfunkel song goes, "Catch a boat to England, baby.  Maybe to Spain."  I will be leaving DeKalb in fifty days to start my year abroad.  Fifty days.  I'll be flying, not sailing, to England and then to Spain at the end of August.  Most of my friends and family are aware that I have been dreaming about studying in Spain for years.  I have finally reached this goal and I can't wait to get a fresh start in a new environment with new people and experiences.  I wanted to start a blog so that I could keep my friends and family updated while I'm away.  I hope to post a lot of pictures and document my travels as a way of keeping in touch with everyone back home.  I also have Skype, Facebook, and a couple of email accounts that I can use to communicate individually with people.  However, as I don't want that information to get out for just anyone to see, let me know if you would like any of my specific contact information.  That goes for my address and phone number while I'm in Spain as well.  The Gmail account that I am using for this blog is the email address that I would rather people use to keep in touch with me.  I really want to know what is going on in your lives while I'm gone and I hope I can keep you posted on what is going on in my life as well!  For those who don't speak Spanish, the title of this blog, "Donde He Estado," translates to "Where I Have Been."  I am so excited to see all of the wonderful places I have read about and studied for so long.  I can't even describe how lucky I feel.  This is the best opportunity that I have been given and I intend to make the most of it.  I'll see places like Portugal, Morocco, and England, and I hope to make it to Holland and Ireland while in Europe as well.  But while studying in Spain, my home town will be Salamanca.     

That's all for now.  I can't wait to see my beautiful city in person.