Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today is the day!

I still don't think that all of this has sunk in.  I've said my good-byes, packed, gotten myself as ready as I can be...and now I don't know what else to do.  It seems like I fit my whole life in two suitcases and a carry-on.  Today my folks and I will head to O'Hare and at 5:10 this afternoon I will be on a plane to London.  Weird.  I know it will be really hard for me at the airport today because my family is so close and I'm going to miss them so, so much.  But I don't think I will really start to freak out until we leave for Spain on Saturday.  I am so excited to be in London and to get to know my fellow AIFS students!  Throughout Thursday and Friday, we will have a lot of free time to explore London but we also have some planned tours as well.  Our group of students already has plans to go to the London Eye Thursday night.  The London Eye is a very large Ferris wheel that sits right on the river and has an amazing view of the city.  On Friday, we will take a coach tour around London and stop at places like Westminster Abbey and Buckingham Palace.  On Saturday, our group flys to Madrid and then we take a bus to Salamanca.  I'll post again as soon as I get settled in my new home.  I am going to miss my family and friends so much.  I am prepared for the first few weeks to be difficult, adjusting to my new environment.  But I know that any challenges I face will be worth it and make this experience the best it can possibly be.

Don't count the days.  Make the days count. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One week left in DeKalb!

This is such a busy, busy week for everyone.  Classes are starting back up at Northern and I feel so out of it...just sitting at home, reading my travel books.  I just have this feeling that I should be sitting in the Psych and Computer Building on campus, reading chapters upon chapters about developmental child psychology.  My dad and I spent the past few days in Iowa visiting family and my planner is filled up with last dinners and get-togethers with friends here in town.  I can't believe that I will be leaving in one week.  I have yet to start goal for today.  My pre-departure information packet, which contains my tickets, participant list, and hopefully my Spanish family's information, should arrive today or tomorrow.  The nerves are starting to settle in.  Sometimes I think that I must be crazy to do something like this.  But I can't wait!  I'll post again next week.