Sunday, January 29, 2012

Storks and the Moon

It is another gorgeous day in Salamanca...still very chilly but sunny with blue skies.  I went on a walk for about an hour today.  In Spain when we go for walk simply to spend time, with no particular destination in mind, we say "un paseo."  Well on my paseo today, I was treated to a couple of things you can only see in Salamanca.  The first was a stork spotting.  These magnificent birds visit Salamanca only a few times a year, most frequently during January.  They have several nests throughout the city.  The storks in the picture above have built their nest on top of the bell tower of the church in the Plaza Mayor.  That is some pretty expensive real estate.  My second treat of the day was actually no treat whatsoever.  As I walked through the Plaza Mayor, I noticed that a group of people was gathered along one of the facades.  This isn't anything out of the ordinary...tour groups visit the Plaza nearly every day.  However everyone in the group was staring at a specific balcony where, if you looked up, you would see a young man in a bright blue speedo mooning the crowd below.  It was quite the Sunday morning in Salamanca.         

Saturday, January 28, 2012


I have only been back in Spain for a week and I've already visited Barcelona, enjoyed some ice cream, and sipped cafe con leche.  Barcelona was absolutely breathtaking.  But before I even arrived on the eastern coast of Spain, I was on an adventure.  I took a bus to Spain's capital, Madrid, where I caught the AVE train to Barcelona.  For some context, Madrid is about 210 kilometers from Salamanca and Barcelona is on the opposite side of the country.  Riding a bus to Madrid takes about two and a half hours.  But I was able to get from Madrid to Barcelona in the high speed AVE train in under three hours.  The AVE travels at a velocity of 300 kilometers per hour.  It was incredible and so much fun.  I met up with one of my good friends Julia in Barcelona.  She had been traveling during our entire break and Barcelona was her last stop.  We had three whole days in the city and I think we took advantage of every minute.  We stayed in a local hostel that was right in the center of the city.  I am usually a pretty timid person but I met so many people from all over the world:  Brazil, Austria, Australia, England, Korea, Argentina, and Canada.  It was very interesting to just sit and talk to them during dinner.  Everyone has a story to tell.  During our first full day in Barcelona, Julia and I wandered down La Rambla, the city's main thoroughfare.  All along the street there are vendors selling flowers, ice cream, pastries, turtles, rabbits, and anything else you can think of.  It is a beautiful and colorful part of the city.  At the end of La Rambla is the port.  We had wonderful weather while in Barcelona so we walked along the coast for a long time that day.  We also visited La Boqueria which is one of the largest fresh food markets in Europe.  
Julia and I, being art buffs, visited the Picasso Museum and La Pedrera in the afternoon.  If there is one word to define Barcelona, I think it would be "quirky."  That is exactly the word to describe our second day in the city.  In the morning we took a tour of La Sagrada Familia which is an iconic cathedral in the center of Barcelona now entering is 125th year of construction.  

In the evening, we walked back to the Costa Brava and witnessed a Cirque du Soleil performance.  It was one of the coolest things I have ever seen.  There are no words to describe it.  It is simply one of those experiences you need to have for yourself.  Julia and I left the big top flabbergasted by what we had just seen. 

On our last full day in Barcelona, we visited the beautiful Gran Teatre del Liceu, went back to La Boqueria, and met up with a friend from high school for a typical Catalan lunch.  Marie and I played softball together for three years in high school and now she studies Spanish and teaches English in Barcelona.  She took us to one of the most tranquil parts of the city, Park Guell.  I felt like we were on top of the world.  We could see everywhere we had been during those three days.  Park Guell is full of mosaic benches, palm trees, and open spaces.  It was the perfect place to end our trip.  I loved Barcelona because it was so unique.  But it felt wonderful to return to Salamanca, as it always does.  Salamanca has a charm that attracts people from all over the world.  You can't help but feel at home when you see the Old and New Cathedrals on the horizon.  It's just like seeing the Chicago skyline from an airplane or Northern's campus from Highway 88.  I feel home.  Today, Salamanca is resplendent.  I went for a long walk this morning and then met up with Julia and one of her roommates for coffee.  On Monday, I will be taking yet another placement exam before classes begin that afternoon.  And then we have a meet-and-greet dinner so that all of us full-year students can meet the new people.  Although, I guess we're the new ones to them since they have already been here for three weeks.  My pictures from Barcelona are posted on Facebook now.  I'm happy to be back in Spain but still missing you all.  Besos y abrazos.       

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back in the Golden City

It feels so wonderful to be back in Salamanca.  I already miss home but I've been missing this place for the last few weeks.  It feels just the same.  This afternoon after unpacking my bags and organizing my new room, I couldn't help but go for a walk.  Clear blue skies, the sun shining, and a crisp breeze in the's perfect.  It's also a far cry from the snowy mess I left in Chicago yesterday.  On Monday I will be on my way to Barcelona to meet up with a couple of friends for a week of sightseeing.  And then we start classes.  I have said it so many times...but time flies by so quickly.  I was home with my folks and friends for five weeks and it feels like it passed by in the blink of an eye.  It is surreal to be back here again and I'm going to take advantage of every second.  Look for a blog post about Barcelona next weekend!  Un fuerte abrazo.