Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back in the Golden City

It feels so wonderful to be back in Salamanca.  I already miss home but I've been missing this place for the last few weeks.  It feels just the same.  This afternoon after unpacking my bags and organizing my new room, I couldn't help but go for a walk.  Clear blue skies, the sun shining, and a crisp breeze in the's perfect.  It's also a far cry from the snowy mess I left in Chicago yesterday.  On Monday I will be on my way to Barcelona to meet up with a couple of friends for a week of sightseeing.  And then we start classes.  I have said it so many times...but time flies by so quickly.  I was home with my folks and friends for five weeks and it feels like it passed by in the blink of an eye.  It is surreal to be back here again and I'm going to take advantage of every second.  Look for a blog post about Barcelona next weekend!  Un fuerte abrazo.    

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