Monday, March 5, 2012

El Tiempo Vuela

Time flies.  Someone should count how many times I've said that in all of my blog posts.  It is Monday, March 5th, 2012.  7:59 PM as I started to type.  This past weekend, I spent nearly an entire afternoon looking over my transcripts from Northern...all of the classes I have taken, the grades I have earned, the classes I have yet to take.  All of that brought me to a very small number:  Twelve.  Just twelve.  Side note:  Twelve is a weird word...twelve.  Anyway, you may be asking yourself, "Twelve what?"  Twelve classes left, my friends, until I have completed my undergraduate career with majors in Psychology and Spanish and with University Honors.  Holy crap!  I could hardly believe it.  I feel like I was just a freshman last week and now I'm almost a senior at NIU.  Graduate school is on the horizon.  I arrived in Spain six months ago.  It feels like a lifetime.  I mean that in the best sense.  I have experienced so many things over the past several months.  Sometimes I feel like I've changed and sometimes I feel the same.  My heart is always at home...with my folks, the rest of my family, my friends.  But a little sliver of my soul will always be here, in Salamanca.  I turn twenty-one this month.  Three weeks from tomorrow...not like I'm counting down or anything.  Look who is wearing the big girl pants now!  Gosh.  This blog post is just a written account of everything I've been thinking the past few days.  It serves as a reminder that once time is gone, it can't be retrieved.  So spend that time wisely.  Take everything day by day, minute by minute, step by step.  Don't think too'll create problems that didn't exist in the first place.  I've been trying to tell myself that lately.  Well, it is now 8:26 PM as I close this post.  Os quiero y nos veremos pronto.  I love you all and we will see each other soon.     

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