Friday, October 14, 2011

Figuring it out...

Over the past couple of days, I've had a lot of time to think:  Time to consider why I am here, time to appreciate everything I have experienced, time to determine what is really important in life.  When I was preparing to come to Spain, I saw it as an opportunity to improve my verbal and written Spanish.  I realize now that it is so much more than that.  I'm here to understand a culture completely different from my own.  I'm here to figure out who I am as an individual.  I'm here to visualize everything I am capable of.  This all probably sounds so starry-eyed and innocent.  But being here has really made me consider everything I've done in my life up to this point and everything that I still want to accomplish.  I feel like I'm in a good state of mind.  I feel like I finally know what I want for myself in the future.  At the same time though, I'm not worrying about the future like I used to.  What's the point?  I'm learning to trust that life will continue on the way that it is meant to.  Whether you believe in fate, the master plan of one deity or another, doesn't really matter in the end.  Everything happens for a reason.  Happiness isn't something that you can search for.  If you look for it, you'll never find it all.  But if you live your life, you'll stumble upon happiness and you can embrace it fully.       

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