Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The horses are comin'...So you better run...

I spent the morning and early afternoon riding horses with eight of my friends.  It has been years since I've been on a horse, but it felt just the same.  I know my folks are going to get jealous as they read this.  Today is a national holiday in Spain.  We are celebrating the Virgen de Pilar, the patron saint of La Guardia Civil.  Since the Universidad de Salamanca was closed, we took advantage of our free day and headed out into the countryside.  At the ranch, we were given brief lessons on how to direct and control the horses.  We rode for about an hour and a half along the river and through the forests.  My horse and I were the first in line behind our guide, so for most of the ride I conversed with Jose about Spanish and American history and where I was from.  He said that Iowa was a very beautifully named state.  Our guide was so friendly and helpful.  He even complemented me on my riding!  My horse for the afternoon was a sweetheart, but a little mischievous as well.  The nine of us had so much fun and it was an experience I will never forget.  It has been a beautiful Autumn day and I'm so happy I've spent most of it in the Spanish terrain, enjoying the peace and quiet.     

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