Saturday, October 22, 2011

Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos...

It is a great feeling knowing that you belong somewhere.  It doesn't matter where you are in the world...feeling that you have friends to depend on, a place to come home to, and something to look forward to everyday is so comforting.  I love to walk through the streets of Salamanca and take in the ambiance.  The voices I hear, the scents I breathe in, and the beauty I see have become a part of me.  They permeate my soul.  I wish everyone could visit this place.  There is something special about it.  I've heard that studying abroad changes you.  I believe it.  How could you experience this culture and not be changed for the better?  Last week, a friend of mine asked me what has been the best part of my time in Spain.  I told Ben, "Honestly, living with my Spanish family has been the most rewarding part."  I meant it.  I love spending time with Angelita, Fabi, and Javier, just like I love to be with my family at home.  They know me so well already.  We've gotten to the point where we can tease and joke with each other.  Living in Spain is incredible.  But having a family like ours is icing on the cake.  This morning I met up with my friend Julia and two Spanish acquaintances for coffee.  I was so nervous to meet up for an intercambio.  For an hour or so, all four of us talked in Spanish.  Then we switched to English so that they could practice too.  It went so well!  It's a beautiful day here so I took my time walking home after our intercambio.  Sometimes I don't even realize it, but I can understand what is being said around me.  I can pick up bits and pieces of conversations that I hear as I pass by groups of people.  I'm learning without even thinking about it.  It is so empowering.  I cannot believe how much I've already learned here.  And I am not just referring to the language.  I've learned so much about the people here and the way they live their lives.  I've learned about what Spaniards think of Americans and the rest of the world.  I've learned more about myself and what I'm capable of.  Our Resident Director always tells us, "You are the one who looks different, speaks a different language, and eats different food.  You are the one who has to adjust.  Spain isn't going to change just for you."  The transformation is amazing.  As far as my daily life goes, nothing very exciting has happened this week.  I went to see a Spanish movie with some girl friends on Wednesday.  On Thursday, Cursos Internacionales offered a free movie for foreign students so I went to see it with Tristan and Amanda.  I study for an hour or so every day and I try to do a little bit of exercise as well.  I've been pretty good about going for a run every weekend that we're home.  Tonight I'm going out for drinks and dancing with a bunch of students from AIFS.  I'm really looking forward to it!  I'll write another blog post within a week or so.  Until then, muchos besos.
What is essential is invisible to the eyes...


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