Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lazy Days

Lately, I have been looking for any excuse to be outside and doing things rather than staying inside to study.  I'll call it "leavingspainitis."  Don't get me wrong, all of my classes are going well.  But it's hard to focus when all I want to do is go out for coffee with friends and take walks along the river.  Soon, I won't be able to do that anymore...at least not in Salamanca.  But right alongside the sadness of leaving is the stress of finals, the excitement of having my folks here, the confusion of the new Blogger interface, and the astonishment of almost being a senior at NIU.  Oh my goodness.  I just can't believe everything I've done this year and everything I have ahead of me.  I don't have much else to write about but I didn't want all of you to think that I had disappeared into the abyss.  Tomorrow night AIFS is treating us to a wine tasting and next week we are going paddle-boating on the river.  And then, Kleenex in hand, we will attend our farewell dinner.  Besos y abrazos.    

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