Sunday, April 29, 2012

Social Media

I am all for days without a smidgen of modern technology.  No computer.  No cell phone.  No television.  Of course, everything we have in our homes is a product made by relatively modern technology.  But you know what I mean.  Those days when you light candles instead of turning on the lights.  Reading a book or the newspaper (real typeface on real paper...a Kindle or a Nook doesn't count) instead of watching a movie or the news.  Writing someone a letter rather than sending them a text message.  Awesome, right?  Nearly impossible nowadays?  Yes.  But social media, like Facebook, Twitter, or Myspace, and other means on communication such as Skype or BBM, connect people around the world.  Without email, Facebook, and Skype, I don't know how I would have survived my year abroad.  I'm not saying that I am constantly "connected."  But it helps knowing that my friends and family are only a click away.  When I'm at home, I relish the days without a single text message.  While I'm here, the most comforting thing is getting a good old-fashioned letter via snail mail:  Hand-written with real stamps, not just a little envelope icon on my email server or cell phone screen.  Lately, I've been poking around online looking for new blogs to read and new documentaries to watch.  These are the social media platforms that I am all gung-ho for.  They open our minds to new ideas and to people we would never connect with otherwise.  For the past two years or so, I have been an avid reader of PostSecret.  This blog began almost a decade ago as a way for people to share secrets anonymously...things they could never say aloud.  Now there are PostSecret books and a world-wide fan base.  My wonderful roommate from last semester, Meredith, introduced me to somewhat of a guilty pleasure blog.  It is called "Dear Girls Above Me."  It's hilarious and gives me a good laugh when I really need one.  Our AIFS Resident Director, Gaye, recently told me about a website:  TED.  They film documentaries called "TED Talks" and post them online.  They host TED events all around the world and share the amazing stories of famous and ordinary people alike.  I just listened to a speech by a man who, after a difficult period in his life, began a blog called "1000 Awesome Things."  It highlights the little pleasures in life that we always take for granted:  Finding money you didn't even know you lost.  A waiter who brings you a free refill without asking.  Hanging your hand out of the car window.  The first bite of food when you are absolutely starving.  I'm really glad that I found that blog today.  Sometimes we are just searching for something to remind us of how "awesome" life is.  So in the spirit of blogging and being in a great mood, here are some of my "not quite 1000 awesome things."

Waking up naturally without an alarm or someone making a ton of noise in the kitchen.  
A drink of water when you are really thirsty.
The sound of rain.
Finishing an essay you have been putting off.
Hitting a homer.
The perfect ratio of margarine and jam on a piece of warm toast.
Being sore after a good workout.
The moment of panic when you see a cop car parked on the side of the highway, and then the realization that there isn't an officer in the car.
A bowl of milk and cereal.
Watching CBS Sunday Morning News with Charles Osgood, sitting on the couch with my folks.
Hearing the trumpet introduction to the above-stated news program.
Finding a bargain.
When you pull up behind someone and they inch their car forward so you have enough room to turn right.
Good coffee.
Laughing so profoundly that no sound comes out of your mouth and tears come to your eyes.
Perfectly-timed channel-flipping.
When the lights go down in a movie theater.
Finally being able to de-shell shrimp with a fork and knife.
Performing as an air band in the car with the windows rolled down all the way.
A person pulls up next to you in their car and starts laughing at the above-stated awesomeness.
Peeling fruit in one strand.
Text messages from friends that ask, "Did you get home safe?"
The first drop on a roller coaster.
Long hugs.
When your favorite song comes on the radio and lasts just long enough for you to pull into the garage and park your car before it ends. 
Singing along to lyrics you didn't even know you knew.
Finally getting the cramp out of your foot.
My Spanish host mom imitating a Chinese accent on the phone and hearing my housemates laugh in the next room over.
A walk to clear my head.
The stupid things my cats do.
The last page of a wonderful book, when you really want to jump ahead to the last line but you don't so that you can savor every word.
The feeling you get when your plane takes off and later lands.
The first step into your house after being away for a long time.

I think that's a good one to end on for now.  I hope this blog post finds you all well and happy.  Wow, I did two blog posts in one day.  Accomplishment?  Yes, but also a way of avoiding my grammar homework.  I'll be seeing you all soon.  Lots of love.


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