Wednesday, April 4, 2012

You say coffee. I say café. You say sugar. I say azúcar. Coffee. Café. Sugar. Azúcar. Let's call the whole thing off.

I am really going to miss café con leche.  Now, you may be thinking to yourselves, "What is so special about coffee with milk?"  The most comparable drink we have in the States would be an espresso macchiato with two percent milk and sugar.  It is divine...the perfect drink to take away the chill that the recent rains have brought to Salamanca.  But it's not just the coffee.  It is the atmosphere.  Today I tried out a new place instead of my usual go-to coffee joint.  I don't even know the name of it.  But that doesn't matter because they serve a delicious, steaming, larger-than-normal cup of café con leche for one euro.  The service is friendly.  The music selection is perfect.  The Art Nouveau advertisements covering the bright red walls are a visual feast.  All in all, it is a quaint, underground, off-the-beaten-trail kind of place.  Bob Dylan and Billy Joel playing in the background...A good cup of joe...What could be better on a rainy day?  The answer is blowin' in the wind.              

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