Sunday, May 13, 2012


The past few days have been filled with good times and amazing friends.  On Thursday evening, we attended our farewell dinner.  This semester's dinner had a completely different feel to it than last semester's.  Last year, there were speeches, tears, hugs, and good-byes.  This year, it was just happy.  We haven't had to actually say good-bye yet, thank goodness.  We still have five days.  One of my closest friends here, Patricia, made up a song to the rhythm of Miley Cyrus' "Party in the U.S.A." as a tribute to our experience abroad.  My stomach hurt because I was laughing so hard.  On Friday we were finally able to go paddle-boating on the river.  The weather has really warmed up over the last few days.  A former AIFS student came to visit Salamanca this past week and she was in my boat.  You'll never guess where she was from.  Chicago.  And she used to go to Northern on the weekends to visit friends.  Small, small world.  I spent nearly all of yesterday running around Salamanca participating in a scavenger hunt.  My team didn't win but it was a blast.  Otherwise, my free time has been spent in coffee shops with friends...the usual.  We're all a little nervous for finals and most of us have started to pack up our things.  Today I'll be studying for my Hispanic-American Literature final, updating my Academic Writing Glossary, and attempting to pack.  Packing is proving to be a nearly impossible task.  I'm not saying that I have too much stuff.  In fact, I have less than my two housemates who have only been here for the semester.  What is difficult is that I have to decide what I'm taking with me when I'm traveling with my folks and what I'm leaving in Salamanca to be picked up on the last leg of the journey.  Dios mio.  My parents and I will be visiting six Spanish cities over the following two and a half weeks once the semester ends:  Madrid, Segovia, Barcelona, Valencia, Granada, and of course, Salamanca.  I will have my laptop with me so I'll try to post a few updates while the three of us are out adventure-ing.  And then...home at last.  June 6, 2012.  I write this in nearly every blog post but I'll say it again:  I can't believe how fast the time has gone.  This experience has been everything I had hoped it would be.  Before I close, I want to wish a Happy Mother's Day to my wonderful mom.  I'm so happy to be sharing this experience with you and Dad.  See you soon!  Os echo de menos.  Hasta pronto.   

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