Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We are leaving Valencia this morning.  We had two full days here and they flew by.  I think that is how the rest of our trip is going to go.  I'll finally be home in one week.  For each of the next two cities we'll be visiting, we'll have almost as many travel days as we do visiting days.  I don't mind the long train rides but it's always a workout getting all of our luggage to the platform and into a taxi.  Our next stop is Granada and then, weird as it will be, my folks and I will be back in Salamanca.  Valencia has been great.  If I've ever visited a contradictory city, this has been it.  Our hotel was in the historical center of the old city.  But we spent our whole first day at the way-ahead-of-its-times City of the Arts and Sciences.  The buildings that formed part of this complex looked like something out of Star Trek.  Within the complex, there is a concert hall, an IMAX theater, a science museum, and an aquarium.  Pretty nifty, right?  Dad had fun playing with the interactive exhibits in the museum and Mom got some great pictures during the dolphin show.  And to top it all off, we had paella for dinner.  Yum!  Yesterday we spent time in the old city center visiting the cathedral and a few other important sites.  But the highlight of the day and a perfect way to exit this city was going to the beach.  As someone who just a few months ago had never been to a beach, swimming in the Mediterranean was pretty dang cool.  The water was so clear and so blue.  It was absolutely stunning.  Without even asking my folks, I think it's safe to say that we're all very tired.  Valencia was a pretty laid back stop and our visit to Salamanca will definitely be relaxed.  I'm looking forward to going back to Granada but I'm looking even more forward to being home.  Traveling, while enjoyable, is exhausting.  And I haven't been home in almost five months.  Our trip has gone smoothly so far and once we're in Salamanca, I think I can stop being such a worry-wart.  Sorry for the lack of pictures.  I'll post them on Facebook as soon as I'm home.  Hasta pronto.  Os quiero.         

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