Thursday, February 9, 2012


Calling all Spaniards!  Breaking news!  Not everyone who lives in the United States is filthy rich.  Honestly.  And no, Fabi, I have never eaten lunch in the living room.  Never.  Last night my nerves were tested a little bit.  I love Spain but it drives me crazy that a lot of people have the impression that all Americans are loaded with dough.  Last night, like most nights, I was watching a news program with Angelita and Fabi.  The segment was about the life of luxury that some Spaniards are lucky enough to live:  dinner for the low price of 200 euro a plate, indoor pools, 900 euro get the point.  I couldn't believe some of the things that these people were spending their money on.  It was incredible.  Obviously, there are many people around the world that can afford to live this lifestyle.  I am not one of them.  So naturally, I was a little taken aback.  I exclaimed, "Por Dios..." many times throughout the segment.  And then Fabi turns to me and says, "Pero hay gente así en Miami...en todos los Estados Unidos."  He could have just as easily said New York or Los Angeles.  But our whole country is not like Miami, New York, or Los Angeles.  Another frustration:  Men always want to be correct.  In general...not just in Spain.  During dinner last night Angelita mentioned that sometimes when there are a lot of people in the house for meals, they eat in the living room because there is more space.  She asked me if I remembered eating in there.  To which I replied, "No.  No he comido en el salón.  Nunca."  Fabi did not believe me.  But it is absolutely true that I have never eaten in that room.  But they would not let it go.  Angelita told Fabi to stop insisting on the fact that, in his opinion, I have eaten in that room many times.  It continued all through dinner.  And out of respect for my homestay family, I let it go.  There is a point when you have to just accept that they are not going to agree with you.  Anyway...I did not intend for this to be a rant about my host family at all.  I love them so much.  But there are always little glitches in the system.  They are inevitable.  And honestly, the bumps along the road are part of the learning process.  Everyone has a different perspective.          

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