Saturday, February 25, 2012

Soccer and Chocolate

Mother Nature must be in a good mood this week.  Salamanca has been enjoying some beautiful weather the past few days...Perfect weather for a soccer game in the park and chocolate ice cream in the Plaza Mayor.  I think I was outside for a total of almost seven hours yesterday:  A walk to the train station to buy tickets to Valladolid with Julia, a coffee break, sitting on the ledge that overlooks the city in my favorite park, playing soccer with some friends next to the river, and finally, savoring a delicious dark chocolate ice cream while sitting in the Plaza.  Everyone was out and about yesterday.  There were so many people in the parks and in the Plaza.  Salamanca is starting to warm up and I love it.  Unfortunately, I have a lot of homework to get done this weekend.  I went out this morning and bought my newspaper but for the rest of the day I will be studying grammar and writing an essay about immigration.  Maybe I'll go out later to watch the sunset.  My friend Julia and I are taking a day trip to Valladolid, the capital of Castilla y León, next Friday.  It'll be nice to spend some time in a new city and have a change of scenery for the day.  I can't believe it's almost March!  When did that happen?  Time is flying by.  I'll be talking to you all again soon.  Besos y abrazos.        

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