Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Un Día Impresionante

I just returned from a much-needed walk.  Nothing clears my head quite like a stroll along el Río Tormes.  It's such a peaceful place.  No matter what has been on my mind, the beauty of this place calms my thoughts.  Today is one of those days when you wish you had your camera and at the same time are glad that you don't.  I took slow, quiet steps.  I smiled as an elderly couple passed me walking hand in hand.  I listened to the water flow and the birds sing.  I absorbed it all.  These are the days that make me realize how precious time is.  In the States, I feel like my time is so rigidly scheduled that I don't notice things like I do here.  I'm looking into the same sky and feeling the same breeze...it's strange to think about.  I know that when I'm home, certain things from my time here will stick with me...at least I hope so.  Walking for the sake of enjoying the day.  Fresh fruit for dessert.  Sipping coffee with good friends.  Time for myself.  I'm thinking of you all and sending good vibes your way.  Hasta la próxima vez.      

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