Monday, February 20, 2012

A Perfect Weekend...

As I wrote in my last post, I was in Toledo and Madrid this past weekend.  It was nice to be able to visit those places again.  I also enjoyed spending time with some of the people that I hadn't gotten to know very well.  All in all, we had an amazing weekend.  The weather couldn't have been more pleasant:  a clear blue sky, the sun shining brightly, and a fresh breeze in the air.  I don't have much to write about Toledo since we did essentially the same tour as last semester.  But Madrid is a different story. Three other girls and I were able to get tickets to the Real Madrid soccer game on Saturday night.  Woot woot!  Mind you, I know diddly-squat about soccer.  But I had so much fun.  It was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience.  I have been comparing it to when I watched the bullfight last semester during Las Ferias in Salamanca:  it wasn't something that I was desperate to witness.  I don't love bullfights just like I don't love soccer.  But there is a cultural aspect to both of those events and I know that I would have regretted not going.  Real Madrid slaughtered Racing Santander 4-0.  I'd like to believe that they won because Emily, Mary Kate, Haley, and I were there.  
On Sunday morning, we took a tour of the city and ended at Museo del Prado.  Having already done the professional tour of one of the most famous art museums in the world, my friend Julia and I tackled the Prado on our own.  After exploring for an hour or so, we decided to get some lunch and stroll through the city.  It was a perfect Sunday.  We bought some ice cream, roamed the streets that had hosted a massive protest only hours before, and eventually settled on the grassy knoll next to the Prado and soaked up the sunshine.
I returned home last night both exhausted and refreshed...if that is possible.  Exhausted because we did so much in such a small window of time.  Refreshed because I spent so much of that time breathing the crisp air and taking in the splendor of a Sunday afternoon in Spain.  

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