Thursday, November 24, 2011

Día de Acción de Gracias

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone back home in the States!

I'm thankful for...
  • my folks.  I love them more than I will ever be able to describe.  They have given me all of the opportunities in the world and have supported me through all of the good times and the bad times.  I have been blessed with parents that love and respect eachother and I hope I am lucky enough to have a relationship like their's some day.  I love you both so much, Mom and Dad.  Happy Anniversary.   
  • the opportunity to study abroad in Salamanca...This has been a life-changing experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  As hard or frustrating as it gets at times, it's worth it. 
  • my best friend, Demi.  I met her on my first day at Northern and we've been friends since.  I don't know what I'd do without her. 
  • all of my family in Iowa, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Texas.  I miss you all and I'll be seeing you soon.
  • having time to figure out what I really want in my life.  Sometimes I just go through the motions day to day.  But here, I've had time to myself to realize what is most important for me.  I've never felt more sure of myself.  And I know that I needed a change of pace and a change of scenery to come to those conclusions.  
  • making mistakes.  The bad decisions, the failed attempts, and the relationships that don't last...those make you appreciate the good decisions, the achievements, and the relationships you have.   
  • my Spanish family.  I'm so happy that I was placed with them and even happier that I am living with them next semester too. 
  • my roomie, Meredith!  "...Cuz wur frum Amurica..."
  • the days that pass by slowly...the days that are so sweet and full of life that you want to savor them forever. 
  • tortilla española.  Enough said. 
  • modern technology.  Without Facebook, Skype, and email, I would feel a lot farther a way from all of you back home.
  • days without modern technology.  Sometimes, it feels so good to completely disconnect.  No cell phone.  No computer.  No television.
  • ketchup.  Seriously.  I really miss it. 
  • so many things...Happy Thanksgiving.
Un fuerte abrazo.

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