Sunday, November 13, 2011


Apparently, I eat like an American.  Go figure.  I take the fork in my left hand, hold it in my fist, stick it in the middle of whatever I'm eating, and cut the entire thing with the knife in my right hand, set the knife down, switch the fork from my left hand to my right, re-stick it into one of the pieces I have just cut, and put it in my mouth.  That's a no-no in Spain.  I had a lesson in Spanish manners today during lunch.  Angelita didn't scold me...she knows that we eat differently in the United States.  And I certainly realize that not every American eats the same way I do...but I've never been taught anything different.  I am going to try to pay attention to the way I eat from now on.  I cannot even explain correct European table manners but I hope that I improve a little bit over time. 

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