Friday, November 11, 2011

Si es feo, es feo...

I have just had a very interesting conversation with my entire Spanish family...Fabi, Angelita, and Javier.  During dinner, we were talking about the debate between Rubalcaba and Rajoy, the two leading candidates of the presidential election in Spain.  You would think that we would talk about policy or political platforms.  No.  We talked about how attractive the candidates were...or were not.  This is a daily occurrence in our house.  If we are watching a movie, a series, or the nightly news, Angelita routinely comments on how attractive someone is.  She exclaims, "¡Qué feo!" or "¡Qué guapo!" nearly every day.  It's not that Spaniards are rude or politically incorrect.  They simply think that if you're unattractive, you're unattractive.  There is nothing you can do about it.  And if you are attractive, well, good for you.  It is nothing to be so preoccupied about...according to our family.  I still cannot bring myself to exclaim, "¡Qué feo!" when I see someone less attractive than others.  That's probably a good thing since at some point I'll be back in the States, and if I called someone ugly, I'd get some ugly looks of my own. es feo, es feo...y hay nada que puede hacer.  

Happy November 11th, 2011, everyone.  Make a wish tonight! 

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