Monday, November 28, 2011

It's ch-ch-chilly!

It is cold.  Very cold.  Winter in Salamanca is a little gloomy.  The fog hasn't lifted for a week or more.  But la gente still go out for a walk almost every day here...all bundled up, even the little kids.  The Christmas season is starting to come to life in the city.  All of the store windows are decorated for the holidays and the Christmas lights are hung across the streets.  There are people roasting chestnuts over an open fire on the corner of Gran Via and San Justo...just like in the song.  I love Salamanca.  But I am so excited to be home for Christmas.  It makes me smile just thinking of being home.  I cannot believe how few days I have until then!  It's incredible.  On Thursday, I'll be on my way to Prague with a few girl friends.  I've heard that the city is beautiful at this time of year.  We're staying there until Tuesday so we will have four full days in Prague.  But it is going to be even colder there!  That's okay.  It reminds me of home...winter in Illinois or Iowa means cold, really cold.  And snow.  Salamanca doesn't get very much snow and I have yet to see one white flake here.  I will write a blog post when I get home from the Czech Republic...and, as crazy as it sounds, I will be home about a week from then.  December 16th.  Can't wait to see all of you!  Espero que vosotros disfrutéis en el espíritu de Navidad.  Un beso.             

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