Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Back in Salamanca!

I am so happy to be back home in this beautiful city!  As we drove toward Salamanca this afternoon on our way home from Andalucia, I felt a sense of relief that I was going to be back with my host family, eating home-cooked meals, and walking through the streets I've come to love.  Our four-day trip to the south of Spain was wonderful but I'm definitely excited to have things settle down a bit.  It was a whirlwind excursion.  I think the best way to tell you all about Andalucia is to break it down by city.  Tomorrow I'll do a separate blog post for each city that we visited...Cordoba, Seville, and Granada.  Look for pictures to be up on Facebook within the next few days from this trip.  Also, a few friends and I are planning to take a day-trip to Avila on Friday so I'll write a blog post and put up pictures from this little city over the weekend.

Meredith, Me, and Cary

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