Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lazy morning...

I can't believe I have been in Salamanca for a week.  It's 11:00 on Saturday morning and I haven't done a single thing yet.  A bunch of us girls went out for pinchos last night .  By my standards it was a late night but I'm sure most of the group was out until very early this morning.  Meredith and I might go out with them again tonight.  I'm just not used to the nightlife here.  I'm getting used to the daily routine though.  During the week I usually wake up around 7:30 to get ready for class and eat breakfast, after which we walk to class at San Boal.  However, since it's the weekend, I let myself indulge a little bit and I didn't get out of bed until about 9:45.  Looking out my bedroom window right now, I can see the colegio across the street and the beautiful blue sky.  Little kids in Salamanca started colegio yesterday...Angelita's grandsons were not excited.  They told us that their favorite part of the day is "patio," or recess.  After classes and lunch yesterday, I met up with some other students to start planning trips for this semester.  Our original idea was to go to Prague in about two weeks, right after we get back from Andalucia.  But now it looks like we're going to wait until December to go to Prague.  That means we'll miss a day or two of class, but I'm okay with that since it's the very end of the semester.  We're allowed to miss three days but any more than that means you will automatically fail the class.  I know that sounds like a gamble.  But I'll just need to keep myself healthy and be responsible this semester.  I'm actually happy that we're waiting on this trip because if we did it at the end of the month, it would have been a crazy week.  We leave for Andalucia (Cordoba, Seville, and Granada) on September 17th and get back to Salamanca on the 20th.  Then we would have left for Prague on the 22nd and not returned home until the 25th, with classes starting on the 26th.  Instead, now we have a little more time to plan and the flights will be cheaper booking this far ahead of time.  I think it will all work out just fine.  AIFS took us on a tour of the Museo Taurino, or bullfighting museum, yesterday and it got everyone really excited to go to a bullfight.  Well, not everyone.  Some of us are meeting this afternoon to buy our tickets for next week's fights.  I'm not sure if I'll like it, but I can't miss out on something that is this important in Spain.  This is especially true since bullfighting is a controversial topic in Spain and the Catalunya region is actually outlawing bullfights in a year or so.  Anyway, I haven't even said anything yet about the best part of my day on Friday.  Meredith and I walked to the famous Puente Romano where there is a huge market during Feria.  I'll have to go back today and take a picture of it.  You wouldn't believe how many tents were set up to sell anything from chocolate, spices, and cheese to jewelry, bowls, and children's toys.  I was pretty proud of myself...I didn't buy any of the delicious-looking cakes or anything for myself.  But I did get some gifts for a few lucky people (wink wink).  Almost everything was handmade and it was all from different countries like Italy, Turkey, Germany, and countless others.  As I said, it's been a pretty lazy morning for me.  But we've had so much going on that it's nice to just relax for a bit.  I've gotten to explore the city and every single day I find something new.  Everyone can look forward to pictures of the bullfight soon, as well as pictures from Andalucia in a couple of weeks.  I'm looking forward to a Skype date with my folks this evening.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Hasta luego.  Oh!  And congratulations to my favorite crooner, Neil Diamond, on his recent engagement!  And to all those who were affected by the events of September 11th, 2001, my thoughts go out to you and our entire country.  It has been ten years, but I don't think anyone will forget that day.


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