Monday, September 5, 2011

Hace buen tiempo ahora...

Hello all.  It is Labor Day in the U.S. but today is any old Monday (lunes) in Salamanca.  This morning, all AIFS students along with students from other programs studying here took a placement exam for orientation classes.  The exam wasn't too terrible.  Part of the exam was oral and I thought that went really well for me.  The professor seemed to understand what I was saying and we conversed easily.  After the exam, a large group from AIFS explored the city together, looking for cell phone companies, grocery stores, places to buy stamps, and a reliable bank.  It is very warm here today but Angelita and Fabian think it is a little chilly for Salamanca.  It really is a beautiful day though. 

Meredith and I came home for lunch and met "los nietos," or grandchildren.  Angelita has two grandsons and their names are Fernando and Antonio.  Son preciosos.  Angelita is a very good cook.  Lunch time in Spain is around 2:30 in the afternoon and it consists of two courses and a dessert.  Today we had sopa de calabaza y cerdo con queso.  That translates to "gourd soup and pork chops with cheese."  For dessert, Angelita always has fruit.  The Mediterranean diet is actually very healthy because most people cook with a lot of vegetables and fruit.  Even if food is fried, it is fried in olive oil.  I can't say enough about how gorgeous this city is.  I enjoy just walking around with friends and taking in the surroundings.  I think that tonight after dinner, which is around 9:00, Meredith and I are going to the Plaza Mayor to get some ice cream.  The Plaza is supposed to be beautiful at night and there are ice cream shops all around it.  I hope that everyone is enjoying reading this blog.  It is really important to me to try and stay in touch with my friends and family.  As the semester begins and our schedules are set in stone, rather than different every day, I hope it will be easier to talk to my folks on the phone and hopefully others on Skype as well.  Hasta pronto amigos.     

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