Saturday, September 3, 2011

First night in Salamanca!

This city is beautiful.  Cobblestone streets, sandstone buildings, history all around us.  I just woke up from my first real night's sleep since I've been in Europe.  Right now I can hear Angelita, the mother in my homestay, making breakfast.  She is so kind and warm and calls me and my roommate her "hijas," which means "daughters."  We live in an apartment with her and her husband, Fabian.  Their apartment is very nice and comfortable, located in a tranquil part of town and about a five minute walk to the Plaza Mayor.  Angelita has two grown children.  Meredith and I met their son, Javier, last night.  He lives in Madrid and comes home every weekend.  They are all so friendly and accommodating.  They also have a daughter with two young children of her own, who we will probably meet later on this month.  I will post some pictures from Salamanca on my Facebook soon.  Pictures from London are already online!  Last night we had a "fiesta de bienvenida," which means "a welcome party."  We went to a local bar and I had my first taste of authentic Sangria.  It was really good but one was plenty for me.  Most people know that I'm not much into the whole partying aspect of college but I still look forward to going out to spend time with the other students here.  Meredith and I walked back home and spent the remainder of the night with the family, watching TV and talking about our families back home.  I think that my Spanish is coming across well.  Fabian even told me last night that my accent was very good.  That felt great!  Today we are meeting the other students at the residence hall to have an orientation meeting and go over practical things like the locations of various offices, information about our living arrangements, and so on.  Tomorrow we have our placement exam and afterwards we will start an intensive language course.  I really do love it here, but I still have a lot of nervous energy running through me.  Angelita is doing everything she can to make us feel welcome and comfortable.  I should get up for breakfast now.  Adios.

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