Saturday, September 3, 2011

Simply amazing...

It is already becoming pretty clear that there is no way I can even skim the surface of what I have been up to in Europe…and I’ve only been here for three days!  Today is my first day in Salamanca and it is absolutely beautiful.  But before I get to that, I need to fill everyone in on our second day in London.  On Friday, we went on a professional tour around the city and got off at some of the main tourist spots like Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey.  Afterwards, we were dropped off at Covent Garden, which is a main square and market in London.  From there we split off into groups and wandered around the city for literally the entire afternoon.  I was so tired when we got back to our hotel.  My group of students meandered along the river for a while until we reached the Tate Modern Museum of Art.  We spent an hour or so there, then went to Harrod’s, and then walked around Hyde Park for a while.  Hype Park is stunning.  Then we jumped on the Tube, yet another name for the Underground, and rode to the London Eye.  We got on the Ferris wheel at about 8 o’clock in the evening and the view was unbelievable.  I got some amazing pictures. 

After the London Eye, we went back to our hotel, since we knew we would have an early morning the next day.   I should note now that I am writing this up in Word and will post this blog as soon as we have an internet connection.  The homestay I live in, with my roommate Meredith, is adorable and very comfortable.  And they have an internet connection!  Score!  We’re just waiting to get the password.  We’re heading out now.  More to come!

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